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I'm an author spreading the words. Read about my books at www.SeleneCastrovilla.com

Monday, November 21, 2011

Method to my Madness Monday: Get Thee to a Writing Group! Go!

Writing is like life. You need to be in isolation to sort things out, but your heart cries out for companionship.

This is why you must find a group.

Just as we search out friends with similar interests or, sometimes, troubles – so should we seek writing buddies. Like the swim pals we had as children, our writing buddies will have our backs – and whistle if we start to flounder.

Here are my top ten reasons for finding a writing group:

Reason one: You’re with like-minded people. There’s something to be said for a group mind-set – a common focus. In fact, there’s a lot to be said for that.

Reason two: You have a deadline. Let’s face the facts: the writing gets pushed aside more than you’re willing to admit, right?

But you have to submit to the group by Wednesday. People are waiting!!! So you skip that episode of reality trash you were going to veg out to, with your wine and/or ice cream (sound familiar?) Instead, you’re going to create something. Go, you!

Reason three: You have people who chant: Go, you! In a world of doubters & detractors­, this is essential.

Reason four: Your work will improve! Believe it or not, you’re not an impartial judge of your own writing. Go figure.

Reason five: With the group’s comments in your head, you’ll be able to self-edit somewhat better. Your work will improve even more!

Reason six: You have something to look forward to that’s just yours: not your mate’s, not your kids’, not your creditors’. And there’s no calories or indiscretions or felonies involved (as long as you don’t eat the Starbucks desserts, encounter a tall, dark stranger in the parking lot, or rob a gas station on your way home.)

Reason seven: Reading your buddies’ work will inspire you. It’s all part of that group mentality/energy thing.

Reason eight: You will lead a happier, productive life because you are doing the thing you were meant to do!

Reason nine: Your families will be happier because you are happier. You will inspire them to follow their dreams!

Reason ten: Your new positive life-force will ignite the universe. You will be the change you wish to see in the world.

Go confidently! Live the life you’ve imagined! And it all starts with a writing group!

Mine meets tonight ;)


  1. Loved this, Selene!! Thanks! And... I'm so sorry I missed the meeting. Ha! (But I did have a good reason, a friend's book launch.) I am also sorry my "life stuff" got in the way of revising and subbing my own work. :-/ Okay. Today's a new day. I'm inspired!

    Lisa :-)

  2. Thanks, Lisa! We missed you last night. I didn't realize it was Lynn's book launch, or I would've gone, too.
    I'm looking forward to reading more of your story, and I value your comments!!! XO
