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I'm an author spreading the words. Read about my books at www.SeleneCastrovilla.com

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Revolutionary Saturday: A Toast to Our Allies and Accomplishments

Bonjour mes amis!

At the end of the year we reflect on our friendships and wish each other good tidings. I thought this would be a great time to remember our French allies in the American Revolution: we couldn't have won without them!

Ben Franklin in France, seeking support and recruits

It is also a time to celebrate our accomplishments. I've recently received the rough sketches for my book on the unlikely and touching friendship between George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette.

It's called Alliance! Zut alors, I can't wait to share it with you!!!

Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge

So let's toast our successes, and our friends. Particularly the unlikely ones, who we'd never thought we'd have. Let's drink to serendipity and the power of faith and love.

If an impulsive, bubbling teen Frenchman could bond with a middle-aged American general who had little tolerance for anyone - but most especially foreigners - there's hope for anyone to get along.

Mais, oui!

Their friendship was solid!

A toast to you, and to me. May our friendship be long and prosper.

Happy New Year!!! Cheers!!!!

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